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Documents made up by the Prime Minister's Office, the Department of Defense, the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of State and the Gendarmerie relating to parliamentary elections 1947, rise and fall of Iranian cabinets, political parties and politicians of Iran, trade unions; Iranian im...
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Stukken betreffende de Vereniging van Werknemers in Bank- en Verzekeringsbedrijf en Administratieve Kantoren (BVA) 1969-1978; Bedrijfsgroep Commerciéle Verzekering van de BVA 1955-1977; Federatie van Handels- en Kantoorbediendenverenigingen in Nederland 1964-1980; plaatselijke centrale Diemen van he...
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Period 1985-2005
The Sindicato dos Trabalhadores nas Indústrias Químicas, Plásticas, Farmacêuticas, Cosméticas e Similares de São Paulo (Chemical Workers Trade Union of São Paulo), founded in the traditional São Paulo district of Brás in 1933, represents the interests of the labourers in the chemical and pharmaceuti...
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Period 1977-1990
Notulen van de Steungroep 1978-1988; correspondentie 1977-1989; logboeken met bijlagen van de werkcampagnes op landbouwcoöperaties in Portugal 1979-1987; stukken betreffende interne organisatie, projecten, externe contacten, publiciteit; documentatie door leden van de Steungroep in Portugal verzamel...
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Correspondentie, lijsten van ingekomen gelden en geschenken, circulaires, aanvragen om steun, correspondentie, kwitanties, lijsten van prijzen; stukken verlotingscomité 1903-1904; kwitanties uitkeringen.
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Collection of ca. 330 different Belgian periodicals from the period 1939 - 2000.
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Collection of press clippings on the marches against unemployment from local and national newspapers and from the militant press, including a series of clippings arranged by day 1994.
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Correspondence with Victor Adler 1893-1912, Ignaz Auer 1879-1903, Johann Philipp Becker 1867-1884, Eduard Bernstein 1882-1913, Camille Huysmans 1908-1911, Benno Karpeles 1895-1901, Karl and Minna Kautsky 1879-1913, Wilhelm Liebknecht 1885-1900, Franz Mehring 1899-1903, Julius Motteler 1874-1900, Her...
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Correspondence between Hess and his wife Sybille Pesch; letters to Moses Hess from Lazarus Hess and Heinrich Graetz; letters to Sybille from Gustave d'Eichthal and others; manuscripts c.1845-c.1873.
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Michail Alexandrovic Bakunin (1814-1876) is one of the principal founders of anarchism. Letters and texts of Bakunin published on the CD-ROM Bakounine. Oeuvres complètes 1823-1876.
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Nieuwsbrieven, persberichten, congresverslagen en andere stukken betreffende de activiteiten van het Europees Anti-Racisme Netwerk 2000-2009.
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Notes on the IWMA; appeal by the Land and Labour League to the working men and women of Great Britain and Ireland 1869; drafts of speeches; letters by Eccarius to Leo Frankel, Hermann Jung, Petr Lavrov, Wilhelm Liebknecht and others; some incoming letters; documents concerning his youth. NB. Origin...
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Diary 1893-1914; correspondence with Johann Ph. Becker 1883-1886, J.H.W. Dietz 1883-1908, Franz Mehring 1906-1915, Friedrich A. Sorge 1886-1904 and others; manuscripts on the socialist party and the German labour movement in the USA, etc.; notes concerning working conditions, eight hour movement and...
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Period 1922-1950
Stukken betreffende het hoofdbestuur, bestuursraad, Verenigingsraad, districtsraden, afdeling Maastricht, afdeling Kiel Windeweer, afdeling Oude Pekela, Rotterdam.
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Collection of letters from Karl and Luise Kautsky, Max Adler, Fedor Dan, Karl Renner and others 1887, 1924-1949; some notes; files with newspaper clippings of his articles in mainly French newspapers, i.e. Le Populaire, L'Ere Nouvelle, Paris Midi; newspaper clippings of articles about Bracke; a few...
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Period 1984-2001
Notulen van de vergaderingen van het hoofdbestuur en het dagelijks bestuur 1984-1994; correspondentie 1984-1994; stukken betreffende contacten met de overheid en andere organisaties; stukken betreffende commissies; financiële verslagen 1984-1990; stukken betreffende de Initiatiefgroep Progressieve H...
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Letters mainly received from Auguste Vermorel, André Rousselle and Eugène Varlin and others; correspondence from his years in prison 1872-1873; prison journal 1872; 'Almanach d'un Prisonnier' 1872-1873; notes mainly on the Paris Commune; pamphlets; leaflets; press clippings.
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Agenda, resolutions, texts of speeches and other documents relating to its conferences and board meetings 1971-1988; circular letters and correspondence by Joachim Barloschky, Klaus Thielemann, Detlef Thiesen and others 1974-1987; documents on festivals, camps and other activities 1975-1990; manuscr...
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Negen interviews door Leonard Ornstein met 6 levende oud-voorzitters, 1 oud-secretaris, 1 oud algemeen directeur en de huidige algemeen directeur van het VNO-NCW. Doel was het vastleggen van hun herinneringen met betrekking tot de verhouding tussen het NWO-NCW en de vakbonden vanaf de jaren '80 van...
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Collection consisting of circular letters, documents relating to congresses and draft statutes.
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